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Showing posts from April, 2018

First day of spring. REALLY?

  HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING Well technically it is the second day of spring but really.  I get so tired of snow. Especially when the snowblower doesn't work and my son decided to play video games all night instead of shoveling.  I had to work yesterday into last night 3pm to 3 am.  It's an okay shift, I am always busy but I have no time during the day.  When I worked 7pm to 7 am at least I had time to do homework or laundry or maybe clean the house. (Well at least look like I was cleaning it).  Anyway, getting back to the reason I was talking about my work, Imy children were all home yesterday when I left. Watching tv and playing video games.  Knowing I come home at 4am I would have thought my children would have shoveled the driveway.  I mean they are 18 and 23. They know I come home really early. Come on how hard is it, really? to say I was not happy when I got home was an understatement. I drove over the huge pile of snow, compliments of the snow plow, at the end of