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Showing posts from January, 2009

Been a long time

Well I am sure most of you think we feel off the planet but we didn't. We are still alive and kickin'. I have to say Christmas was nice. Santa came and the kids got what they wanted. (well for the most part). Sarah got her laptop. Yup, she now has something attached to her hip and is on it whenever I say yes. Noah got his Rip Stix, he is now going to give me a heart attack if I watch him try to ride it. Becca got her Ipod in her favorite color, purple. And Ryan got a TON of gummy worms. The best part of Christmas is that we spent time together. Although Ryan was at his mom's we did talk to him and he was very happy. The rest of us played games, went to visit Great Grandma and Grandma. We saw Aunt Denise and Uncle Chris. It was a great day. Over the break, (which was WAYYYYYY TO LONG) the kids played the wii, played a few new games they got for christmas and spent time together. It was nice to just be a family. Wow can you believe how old the kids look? I am way to young to