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Been a long time

Well I am sure most of you think we feel off the planet but we didn't. We are still alive and kickin'. I have to say Christmas was nice. Santa came and the kids got what they wanted. (well for the most part). Sarah got her laptop. Yup, she now has something attached to her hip and is on it whenever I say yes. Noah got his Rip Stix, he is now going to give me a heart attack if I watch him try to ride it. Becca got her Ipod in her favorite color, purple. And Ryan got a TON of gummy worms. The best part of Christmas is that we spent time together. Although Ryan was at his mom's we did talk to him and he was very happy. The rest of us played games, went to visit Great Grandma and Grandma. We saw Aunt Denise and Uncle Chris. It was a great day. Over the break, (which was WAYYYYYY TO LONG) the kids played the wii, played a few new games they got for christmas and spent time together. It was nice to just be a family. Wow can you believe how old the kids look? I am way to young to have these children!

Becca, who just turned 18, is now allowed on my blog. Meaning, I can post pictures of her. She will be graduating this year and moving on to college. I have to say I am very PROUD of her. She has given me attitude and a few problems but she has really blossomed here. She is a very pretty girl and she has a heart of gold. Sometimes she doesn't like to show you how much she really cares but we all know she does. For her birthday, the big 18, we went to the movies and to dinner. I had a gift card for the movies a some extra cash left over from christmas so Becca asked if Sarah, Becca and myslef could go to the movies and to dinner. We did. We saw the movie, A bedtime Story. We all really liked it. We then went to red Robin and they sang to her. Boy was her face RED. We then came home and had cake and did nails and facials. It was nice to hang out with the girls.
On a different note, Mike was laid off on December 10. Although it stunk that they told him before the holidays it was also a blessing. If they would have waited, Mike would not have gotten the package he did. As of Jan 1, 2009 the package would be here's your pink slip and last pay check. We are thankful that our situation was different. It is a very hard situation to be in. I can't tell you that I am not scared because I am. I know that God has a plan for us but it is hard when I don't know what it is. You know me and I want to know what is around that bend in the road. For know I think I need to get closer to God and wait on him. I know that he will provide for us. I hate waiting. Anyway, Mike has feelers out and has rewritten his resume. We have sent it out to a few companies and have even emailed it to some more. There is a job opening in philly which is closer than White Plains was. I am praying this will be the job he gets. There is a part time job in allentown which is not even 20 minutes away. This would be good as well but it is only part time. I have talked about going back to school but never did. Not enough time to do it with all of the kids. However, I told Mike that as soon as he lands a new job I am going. I feel like all I could do was go get a job in retail and not really help out. I am concentrating on my Longaberger and seeing if that can help out. So if you are getting emails from me please look and see if you would like anything. If you don't get emails and want to let me know I will be happy to email you some sale specials. Anyway, please keep us in your prayers. It is hard not knowing what tommorrow brings. My magic wand doesn't work at the moment or I would fix everyone's problems and take the pain and hurt away. All we can do is get down on our knees and PRAY.
