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Showing posts from 2015

Were Have TheYears Gone?

Okay so it is now September 2013. Lots has happened since I last wrote.  Mom is home and Noah did fine with his scope.  Mike is flying a lot and Demo passed away.  Lots more has happened but for now this will have to do. Sarah is now a senior in high school.  I can't believe she is going to graduate this year.  Where has the time gone? She is still going to Votech for cosmetology.  She loves it.  Although the first year she was told by one of the teachers that this isn't for her and she should drop out.  (I was pretty upset when I learned of this but things have a way of working out) Sarah told me about the comment the end of her junior year. Which is why I didn't say anything. She had a new teacher.  Anyway. Sarah seems to be doing very well with Cosmo. She is also working at a salon as a receptionist.  Not loving it but I think she will once she gets used to all of the responsibility.


Well today is May 2, 2012. I have let time slip away again. So much has happened since I last wrote. Sarah turned 17, Noah is 12, Ryan is 27. Becca is back and Mike has been flying a lot more. So let's start with Sarah. Sarah is driving now. Trying to get her own car. She went through a driving class, that her mean parents made her pay for! And I'm glad she took that class. She is more aware of the others on the road and swears she won't even look at her phone while driving. Which I am glad about. Mike and I are looking into a used car for her to drive. But for now she gets to drive the van. Ugh. She has had her first fender bender with my car. She was pulling out of a parking space at church and she hit the car beside her. She thought it was a good friend of the family but turned out to be the pastors car. She was scared to tell him but she did. I was proud of her for speaking up and telling him what she did. He took it in stride too. His and my car are all fixed now.