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Showing posts from April, 2008
Okay so now you see me as I look today. Yup don't adjust your computer I cut my hair. I donated it to locks of love so that they can make a wig for someone who needs it. 12 inches who knew! I am still trying to get used to it. I have been told it is time for the bangs to go. Can anyone remember me without bangs? I can't. I think I was born with them. lol. This is the new picture I took for my Longaberger web site. just incase you want to check it out. I guess you all know I just had a birthday. I turned 40. Not that it bothered me it really is just a number but I can't believe I have been around for 40 years. Time just keeps going and going. I should say a nice BIG THANK YOU to my little brother Paul. He got a bunch of people whom I do not know to text me to wish me a happy birthday. I deleted my messages at least twice and they were still coming in. So thanks Paul! Your turn is coming is all I have to say! I have to get going and put

Cheerleading Banquet

Yup that's Sarah up on stage doing what she does best....... cheering. Even on stage Sarah couldn't stop moving and talking. In her hand is her trohphy she got this year. It was funny that all of the 6th graders that were there got just that 1 trophy. I am not complaining because she has alot but I know that Sarah was disappointed. In years past she came home with 3. They didn't do alot of awards this year. I am not sure why but they didn't. All in all Sarah had fun. She couldn't wait to go and even wanted to dress up but because her mean mom wouldn't go out and get the shoes she wanted she decided to just wear what she wore to school that day. That is just fine with me!!! I am happy that this cheering is over. No more Sunday matches and missing Sunday school. No more looking for bloomers that she just had the night before. No more WHITE practice sneakers she can only wear for matches and can't wear outside at all!!! What a waste of money! YEA YEA we are fre

Demo comes Home

Demo went to the doctors this morning at 8am. He was going to get his cherry eye fixed, a microchip, a tooth fixed and snippy snippied, (neutered). Everything went fine and he is now home. He has to wear the collar for 14 days to make sure he doesn't rub his head or lick his stitches. He can't walk in the collar because he steps on it. They couldn't give him a smaller one because his head wouldn't fit through it. Noah laughed when Demo came in. (I have to admit I did too). I should back up a bit and tell you why we decided to do all this now. Really it is because of Noah. You see, Noah started to pray about Demo's eye during devotions a few weeks ago. He wanted to get the eye fixed. Mike told Noah that it costs alot to get that done. Noah said he wanted it done anyway. I told Noah if he really wanted it fixed we could get it done if we took some of the money we have been saving up to go to disney and used that. Noah said yes quickly but Sarah didn't. It took Sar