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Demo comes Home

Demo went to the doctors this morning at 8am. He was going to get his cherry eye fixed, a microchip, a tooth fixed and snippy snippied, (neutered). Everything went fine and he is now home. He has to wear the collar for 14 days to make sure he doesn't rub his head or lick his stitches. He can't walk in the collar because he steps on it. They couldn't give him a smaller one because his head wouldn't fit through it. Noah laughed when Demo came in. (I have to admit I did too). I should back up a bit and tell you why we decided to do all this now. Really it is because of Noah. You see, Noah started to pray about Demo's eye during devotions a few weeks ago. He wanted to get the eye fixed. Mike told Noah that it costs alot to get that done. Noah said he wanted it done anyway. I told Noah if he really wanted it fixed we could get it done if we took some of the money we have been saving up to go to disney and used that. Noah said yes quickly but Sarah didn't. It took Sarah a day to think about it and say yes. So Demo went this morning and got the "works"! So far he is doing fine. Just really wants to sleep. I was told I would have a very calm dog for 24 hours. I think I can handle that! I will take pictures when he starts walking and tripping on the collar. In the picture he is laying down sleeping. Snoring as loud as can be!


Anonymous said…
Too funny!!! Thats when we need video! HA/HA!
