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Showing posts from April, 2009

More Stuff

You know when it rains sometimes it rains too much! Noah did fracture his wrist but it wasn't just a regular fracture, he broke his growth plate in his wrist. Noah also kept telling me it wasn't the arm he broke when he was 2. It was the same arm. Like I said when it rains.... Noah will be in the cast for at least 4 weeks. The Dr thinks he might be able to put an air cast on it after the 4 weeks but we will have to wait and see. Noah got the cast on Monday and he took a shower tonight. Let me tell you that it is hard to get a shower without getting the cast wet. We put 4 bags on his cast and even put rubber bands around the top of it. It still got wet. UUGGHH! When it rains..... Sarah is doing well. She has tryouts sometime in May for cheering again. I think she will make the squad again. She has been a great leader this year. Very Proud of my kids. Sarah is still growing and learning all about herself. I have to say I don't like it. She has been hurt by her first little bo

work work work

You know I always wanted to be a mom. Just stay home and take care of my family and home. Now I can say that love working. Well for the most part. I love the people I met at work. The stories they can tell. WOW is all I can say. It is a neat feeling to be able to really make a difference in peoples' lives. Now the bad part of working, house cleaning, laundry and not enough time to spend with my children. The hardest part is that I am not home with Sarah, Noah, Becca and Ryan. It is always nice to be able to sit and talk whenever I want with them but now it is hard. We have to schedule time. I feel like I am working all the time. I am and it feels nice to be needed and wanted. I get a great feeling when I walk into a room and you see the face light up of the person you are going to take care of. I know I am liked by the residents and that makes me feel good. I get a kick out of making them smile. Boy the stories they tell!!! hope Sarah will be able to volunteer here this summer.