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You know when it rains sometimes it rains too much! Noah did fracture his wrist but it wasn't just a regular fracture, he broke his growth plate in his wrist. Noah also kept telling me it wasn't the arm he broke when he was 2. It was the same arm. Like I said when it rains....

Noah will be in the cast for at least 4 weeks. The Dr thinks he might be able to put an air cast on it after the 4 weeks but we will have to wait and see. Noah got the cast on Monday and he took a shower tonight. Let me tell you that it is hard to get a shower without getting the cast wet. We put 4 bags on his cast and even put rubber bands around the top of it. It still got wet. UUGGHH! When it rains.....

Sarah is doing well. She has tryouts sometime in May for cheering again. I think she will make the squad again. She has been a great leader this year. Very Proud of my kids. Sarah is still growing and learning all about herself. I have to say I don't like it. She has been hurt by her first little boyfriend. I don't like it at all. I would love to have a nice talk with the little boy but I can't. I sometimes hate this mom stuff.

Ryan has been doing well. He LOES school. He has different teachers each week and he loves them all. The teachers love him as well. We have been told that Ryan is very smart. He really knows what is going on. HHUUMMMM I believe I have said that from the beginning but what do I know?!

Becca is graduating soon. Prom is next weekend. Times are changing. Changing big time!

Mike is still looking for a job. I pray he will find one soon. I enjoy my job and don't mind working but I have been working alot of hours. It is nice that they give me the hours but I have to say I am not used to it. I have asked about the summer and was told they would work with me. I will be working at night so I can be home with the kids during the day. I am happy that I can be home and working at night isn't bad. I rather enjoy it. As long as it is peaceful and quiet. Not always but most of the time. Then when the kids go back to school I can goback to working days. It is nice to be able to pick my hours.

I have been doing ok. I have learned that I can't do everything anymore. I used to be able to volunteer for alot and get things done but now that I am working it will be difficult to volunteer alot anymore. I am going to give up teaching Sunday School I think. I will be a subsitute but thats all I can do.

I hope everyone is doing well. I hope to visit and catch up soon. Lots of love.
