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Working Late

Well, here I sit at work and it's 3:30am. I don't mind working at night, it really is fun. You can watch TV, (although nothing but infomercals are on), I don't really have to interact with the residents, (that really stinks because I love the residents), I can go on the computer and get things done. So all in all I guess the late shift isn't bad. I do get tired around 1 am. If I can make it past 1 then I should be fine the rest of the time. I have 2 more late shifts this week. Thursday and friday. I am excited because it is with a resident that I love! I don't know how I got both nights with her but I am excited!

I tried to upload a picture of my Aunt karen and Grandma but it didn't go through. I will try again before I finish this blog. I took the picture at Josh and Chelsea's wedding. Looking back I will be married for 16 years this September. WOW that's a long time. You know I still feel like it was maybe a year ago when we got married. Funny how time goes by. I am taking Mike to Ohio for our anniversary. Yup, he finally gets to go to Longaberger land! Not sure he will enjoy it as much as I do. Atleast he will get to see where I go every year! Speaking of Longaberger Land, I am running a bus trip there in March 2010. The theme will be USS TriJoRox... aka The Longaberger Love Boat. Complete with Captain Stubing, Julie and Doc. I am excited and have lots to plan. Let me know if you think you can go on the trip. Price will be aroound $375.00. Lots of fun, baskets, shopping and relaxation! A girls weekend to be sure.

Ok, let's talk about what is going on at home. Ryan is back from his vacation with his mom. He seems to of had a great time. He keeps singing Boom, Boom, Boom,... It is funny how excited he gets. He is doing fine now heath wise. he was sick for a while. He couldn't shake whatever it was but he seems to be doing much better. Becca is in Texas now. not really sure if she is coming back. She says she is but you never know. Sarah is doing well. She is ready for school. Shopping has been done and she got those black half boots. (I used to wear them in my 20's) I should have kept my 80's clothes because thats what is in now. She can't wait for school to start. Harmonium is the class she is in, they will learn through music, singing, playing an instrument. She is looking foward to performing through out the year. I can't wait to see her blossom.

Noah is doing good. He finally finished his books he had to read. He is now the big kid in elementary school. 5th grade! wow. He wants Mr. Snyder as his teacher. I just pray about each teacher he gets every year. I don't want to request. God knows who Moah should have and I trust him. I am sure he is where he needs to be. We haven't heard yet who he has. I think we will hear on friday. School starts on Wednesday. He looks in the mail box everyday now. I am getting anxious as well.

Mike has been geting a few job leads. Jobs that would require us to move. I don't mind so much having to move but I really don't want to go too far from my family. I will go where God plants us but I pray it will be near family. There have been a few jobs around us as well. So things are starting to pick up which is great. We are all praying that God will put us where he needs us.

I am still working at Kirkland. I still love it! Even though one of my residents left, and I miss her dearly. I will be keeping in touch with her! She is a very sweet lady who will be happy with her boys. I still have a few that I love to work with. I really can't say that I have any I don't like. They are all sweet in thier different ways. It is amazing what you can learn if you sit back and just listen. I am learning greek. One of the Ladies here is greek and loves to teach me greek. I can say good morning, good evening, good night, house, Lord have Mercy. That's it for now. who knew I would learn greek! She is funny. whenever she sees me she asks me what I know. I am happy to tell her.

Well, I am going to sign off for now. Thanks for reading. keeping up with the Evans family from PA. (atleast for now)

Love you, me
