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Time Marches on

I started this new entry a little while ago and then it was erased so I will start over. I know it has been since April and alot has changed so let's just get right to it!

Noah got his cast off, just in time for the summer and swimming in the pool. He kept the cast on for about 10 weeks. His arm is doing just fine now and he is even roller blading again. (much to my dislike!) He is waiting not so patiently to see who his teacher will be for 5th grade. He would like Mr. Snyder. I am leaving it in God's hands as I have done every year since he started. I can't believe this is my last year at elementary school! Where did the time go? He is already starting to get excited. I am too. I think this year will be great for him. He just has to really focus on his homework and get it done. I am going to try to really get him to understand that he HAS to be responsible! I can't be responsible for him this year. I hope he learns it quick. Wow just 6 years ago he was starting Kindergarten. So small and cute. Now he is starting to eat me out of house and home and he is really getting tall. Can't they stay little just a while longer!

Well Sarah has been doing alot since April! She made the cheering squad again this year! (very happy for her) She is now in a unique class name Harmonium. She will learn through Music. She can't wait for this year to start. She has to sing a solo on the first day of class. She is nervous about it but she has been working on it since the last day of school last year. She craks me up! She sings very pretty but she just needs to learn how to breath a little better. That will come in time! She keeps switching the song she wants to sing. If she doesn't pick just one soon I am going to email one of her teachers and make her sing both! She is funny. Sarah went with me to two of my cousins' weddings. The first was Cousin kelly's wedding July 8, 2009. Sarah had fun and we took lots of pictures. Then we went to Cousin Josh's wedding in olean NY. We took alot more pictures. The funny thing is that someone took our picture together. It turned out nice as you can see, however, Sarah said she never really saw any resembance between us until she looked at that picture. I had to laugh because how could you not see any resemblance? Sarah has been growing up a lot in front of my eyes. She has been coming to me a lot in these last few weeks to talk and just to hang out. She wants to go to my job to volunteer so that she can meet all of the people I talk about. She loves the older people and looks foward to seeing most of them. She did great last year in school. She made HONOR ROLL ALL YEAR! I can't wait to see what she can do this year. She is even looking foward to going back to school. She is now a very proud 8th Grader. She cracks me up.
Becca is now down in TX with her sister. I am not sure if she is coming back. Sounds like she is having fun down there even if it is hot. She graduated and right now I don't think she knows what she wants to do. Thats ok but I hope she doesn't throw away college. I know how hard it is to go back after 20 plus years!
Well I have been going to school now for a few months. (since March) I am excited. My first class was medical terminology. That was a tough class but I passed both finals with marks in the high 90's. Very proud of myself. Right now is the phelbotomy class. I am doing ok in it. We haven't really taken any tests or quizes yet. We will start sticking in the next few weeks. I can't wait. of course we will start on fake arms. A few of the residents here said they would let me practice on them. I don't think so! Very nice of them to offer but I couldn't practice on them. Now my children are a different story. lol Just kidding. We will be working on fake arms and then each other. I am excited. So stay tuned for my adventures!
Mike has been putting his resumes out a lot lately. The jobs are now starting to come. We are happy that there are opportunities coming. There are a few jobs that Mike is really interested in. One would mean a move to the chicago area and the other would require us to move to Washington state. I am willing to go wherever God wants us to go. As long as we are a family we can move anywhere. Sarah is ok right now with the possibility of moving but we shall see if we have too. I sat her down and explained that from my experience it is easier to be the new kid in school in the middle of the year rather than at the beginning of the year. If you start after the year has started everyone will know you are new and will be more likely to treat you nice. Where as if you start at the beginning noone realizes you are new. She seems ok with everything right now. Only time will tell. Heck, we might not have to even move.
Ryan right now is on vacation with his mom. She has taken him for the week. He hasn't been feeling well lately. He was really sick and we had to take him to the Doctors a few times. Now Noah is sick. yuck. I hate sick kids.
Well i guess I should be going now. I hope you all have a great week or so. Promise to write again sooner than last time. Take care
