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Showing posts from December, 2009
Alot has happened in the last two months. First let me start with Sarah and her DEBUT singing. She is in a class where they learn from music and they put show on. She loves singing (I have no idea where she got that just kidding). I knew she could sing but I didn't really know she could really sing. I was sitting in the audience that first night of the show all proud but when she got up to sing the last song of the night I was BLOWN AWAY! She had me speechless. I hope she makes you speechless as well. This class is really a nice class. She has alot of friends in the class. I have been given glances into the woman Sarah is becoming and it takes my breath away. Wow is all I can say! It doesn't look like the video is going to work tonight so I will have to do it tom. after I get home from work. Wish it would save! I was going to put up one of Noah as well but I guess I will have to do it tom as well. He got to sing at Church with the Adult choir. He sang Away in a Manger verses 1


I have been thinking a lot lately about Christmas. I have great memories of my childhood Christmases. Going to bed and we couldn't sleep because we were so excited to see what Santa was going to bring. Waking up super early to run and wake up mom and dad so they could go make sure that Santa was gone before we ran to see the tree and presents. Opening gifts on Christmas morning. Saving the stockings for last. (Or maybe they were first) Always so much excitement in the house. Having a big breakfast on Christmas morning. I guess my favorite part about Christmas day was when the gifts were all unwrapped and breakfast was done we would sit around as a family and play the board games we just received .. All of us played the games. Pay Day , Monopoly, sorry just to name a few. I think That is what i treasured the most. Family time together. We played with the other things we got as well but it was something so great as the moments we played together. This year things are tig