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Alot has happened in the last two months. First let me start with Sarah and her DEBUT singing. She is in a class where they learn from music and they put show on. She loves singing (I have no idea where she got that just kidding). I knew she could sing but I didn't really know she could really sing. I was sitting in the audience that first night of the show all proud but when she got up to sing the last song of the night I was BLOWN AWAY! She had me speechless. I hope she makes you speechless as well. This class is really a nice class. She has alot of friends in the class. I have been given glances into the woman Sarah is becoming and it takes my breath away. Wow is all I can say! It doesn't look like the video is going to work tonight so I will have to do it tom. after I get home from work. Wish it would save! I was going to put up one of Noah as well but I guess I will have to do it tom as well. He got to sing at Church with the Adult choir. He sang Away in a Manger verses 1 and 3 by himself. The Choir sang verse 2. He was very excited to sing with them. He even dressed as a shepherd. Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to get the videos to up load. What a treat!

We have been blessed this Christmas season. Mike got 2 flight jobs and was working part time for UPS. Although the pay for UPS wasn't great atleast he was out doing something. He was able to get out and meet a few people and make a few friends. He was also tired from all the lifting he did. He is a little disappointed that it is over I think. We are hoping he gets a flying job and maybe he will buit we are definetly keeping the door open to whatever God brings this way.He will I know it. He has let us keep our house and has supplied what we need so far I am not going to doubt him now. God is GOOD!

As for me, well I havepassed my certification test. I have applied a few places and hoping that I get a call soon. If I can get an interview I can win them over with my confidence and skill level. This is a passion of mine and I know that I will be able to do it well. Even my teacher said that she thinks I am very good and should be getting a job soon.
