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I have been thinking a lot lately about Christmas. I have great memories of my childhood Christmases. Going to bed and we couldn't sleep because we were so excited to see what Santa was going to bring. Waking up super early to run and wake up mom and dad so they could go make sure that Santa was gone before we ran to see the tree and presents. Opening gifts on Christmas morning. Saving the stockings for last. (Or maybe they were first) Always so much excitement in the house. Having a big breakfast on Christmas morning. I guess my favorite part about Christmas day was when the gifts were all unwrapped and breakfast was done we would sit around as a family and play the board games we just received.. All of us played the games. Pay Day, Monopoly, sorry just to name a few. I think That is what i treasured the most. Family time together. We played with the other things we got as well but it was something so great as the moments we played together. This year things are tight. We can't get all of the things that the kids want but they will be getting a few games. (guess I blew the surprise if they read this but i doubt they will) (not even sure anyone is reading this blog anymore) Oh well, I am hoping that the true meaning of Christmas will touch my children this year. Not really just them either. I know Mike and I could both benefit from a touch of Christmas this year.
This year has been a difficult one for my family. Mike losing his job last December. His father passing away. Me getting a job, Me losing a few dear friends. I am hoping that this coming year (2010) will be such a better year. Sometimes i have a hard time keeping my eyes focused on God. I take them off of him and put them on my troubles. What a mess I create when I do that! I think this year I want to learn how to focus more on God and less on other THINGS.
