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Showing posts from 2018

First day of spring. REALLY?

  HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING Well technically it is the second day of spring but really.  I get so tired of snow. Especially when the snowblower doesn't work and my son decided to play video games all night instead of shoveling.  I had to work yesterday into last night 3pm to 3 am.  It's an okay shift, I am always busy but I have no time during the day.  When I worked 7pm to 7 am at least I had time to do homework or laundry or maybe clean the house. (Well at least look like I was cleaning it).  Anyway, getting back to the reason I was talking about my work, Imy children were all home yesterday when I left. Watching tv and playing video games.  Knowing I come home at 4am I would have thought my children would have shoveled the driveway.  I mean they are 18 and 23. They know I come home really early. Come on how hard is it, really? to say I was not happy when I got home was an understatement. I drove over the huge pile of snow, compliments of the snow plow, at the end of

A wonderful Woman

Let me talk about a woman I have known my whole life.  My Nana. Lillian Lynk.  Nana went home to be with God on March 1, 2018.  This is a story of her leaving us and going home as I remember it.  Others may remember things differently, as we all have different perceptions, but this story is my perception.  I had the privilege to be with her as she started her journey home.  It was the most peaceful thing I have ever been part of. Nana was in the hospital back in Jan when my oldest brother came up to visit.  We went over to see her and my dad in the hospital.  It was nice to visit and time to catch up.  Nana was tired although she tried to tell us she wasn't.  It was a very nice visit and she was going to a rehab center that Monday.  She had been there before and she liked it there.  She was looking forward to going back.  I took a picture of her the last time she was there in a rainbow shirt.  I made a comment about the shirt and she told me she had it for well over 20 years.

Changes all around me

Today is March 18, 2018. So much has happened since I last wrote on this blog.  Both Sarah and Noah have graduated high school.  Sarah is working as a stylist in T &co on center street in Bethlehem.  She is loving doing what she does.  She is a very talented girl.  She does my hair when I can make the time to get there.Noah is working for a small general contractor.  He loves it.  He has his own money to spend on things he wants.  Right now he wants a car, so he is working towards that.  I guess he is tired of driving my van.  If he didn't wreck the ford he would still be driving that. Ryan is still doing well.  He is still going to the same program he was in.  He likes it. I, on the other hand, do not.  It seems that at least once a week I get some kind of phone call from them.  They tell me Ryan had an accident and had to be changed at school.  When he comes home he will repeat whatever the school told me word for word.  Ryan is the kind of kid that wants to make you happy s