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Changes all around me

Today is March 18, 2018. So much has happened since I last wrote on this blog.  Both Sarah and Noah have graduated high school.  Sarah is working as a stylist in T &co on center street in Bethlehem.  She is loving doing what she does.  She is a very talented girl.  She does my hair when I can make the time to get there.Noah is working for a small general contractor.  He loves it.  He has his own money to spend on things he wants.  Right now he wants a car, so he is working towards that.  I guess he is tired of driving my van.  If he didn't wreck the ford he would still be driving that.
Ryan is still doing well.  He is still going to the same program he was in.  He likes it. I, on the other hand, do not.  It seems that at least once a week I get some kind of phone call from them.  They tell me Ryan had an accident and had to be changed at school.  When he comes home he will repeat whatever the school told me word for word.  Ryan is the kind of kid that wants to make you happy so if you tell him, wow Ryan you look tired, he will be tired for the whole day.  I have explained this to the school but they just laugh and say we don't do that.  Hmmm, I have seen it done so I don't know how much I believe it.

Well, Time marches on, as they say. It looks like we will be moving to Michigan sooner rather than later.  Not sure how I feel about it, to be honest.  I have so many good friends here and I like where we live.  Don't get me wrong I don't mind moving but as I get older it gets harder.  This has been the longest I have ever lived anywhere.  I brought my sweet boy home to this house.  Although a house doesn't make a home I feel attached to this one.I grew up moving and I didn't mind. It was a time to go and create a new you.  If I could have kept the friends I made when I was younger I would have friends all over the world.  Could have, would have, should have. lol  Well, we all wish we would have done somethings differently. I guess that is one of mine.

Mike is working for Dow and he still loves it.  He has been fulltime with them for about 4 years now. He gets to continue to fly and he loves the people he works with. the downside is we might have to move to Michigan. Michigan is a very cold state.  I am not made for the cold weather.  I want beaches and sun.  I guess I will get used to it.  For now, I am enjoying staying here.  Do you know how much work goes into selling a house? One that you have lived in for 20 years? UGH, I have a lot of work to be getting to.  Combining my house with my stuff and my mother's stuff isn't easy either. Did I leave that part out?  My mom came to live with us in April.  She was put in the hospital and was really bad off.  I told her I didn't think she could take care of herself let alone Grandma.  They both decided that it would be better to leave elsewhere so mom came to me and Grandma went to assisted living.  Grandma moved closer to my uncle and Mom moved in with me.  She has been doing okay. She still has her bad days but the good days are coming more often than the bad.  It is strange to start taking care of your mother.  They are your parent but you become the caregiver.  You want to respect them and do what they need but you are grown and have your own way of doing things. Life sure does hand you strange circumstances.  Not bad just different.

I realize this blog post is all over the place and I am sorry.  I have so much going on it just comes out.  I am going to start keeping up with the blog again.  I am going to focus on a few things: 1. My relationship with God.  I am not where I want to be but I have come a long way.  2. my family. all of them, husband, sons, daughters and extended family too.  3. struggles of going to school as an older person.  (yup started this past winter) 4.working in the emergency room at a level 1 trauma center. (yup this is a cool job)

Sometimes we have to lose our way in order to find ourselves again.

Until next time!
