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Showing posts from May, 2008

Grandma's House

Guess what we do for fun. I have to say this is what I love about going to Grandma's house. We all gather around the table and play cards. We play alot of skipbo but I really don't care what game it is! We all just sit around and talk, laugh, and have fun. You would be surprised how much talking we get done playing games. I always am! I love to go up there. I always come home feeling like I can take on the world. I guess you can say Grndma's house is my place to relax. Even when the kids are with me I know that I will be going home feeling loved, excited for whatever is next and just plain happy. Of course I don't win if my Mom plays. (very few times if ever) It seems she always wins. She sits in the perfect chair to win. Grandma was the big winner this day when we played. She just kept winning. So my advise is if you need to feel loved, or happy, or even to get energy back go see Grandma! Whoever she may be. Grandma's are funny people. Growing up we think they have

Great Grandpa's Tree

I was looking out my back door and realized just how much my tree has grown. This tree is a baby from the one in my Grandparents home in NY. I got this tree shortly after I moved to PA. I have very fond memories of climbing the tree in Grandma's front yard. I remember getting yelled at to stay out of that tree too. After I got older and had a family of my own I was told of the story of the tree by Grandma. It isn't a great story with lots of excitement but just a story of my Grandparents love. This tree was the first thing they planted on thier property. They just went and picked this tree out and planted it. In my mind I can see them young and planting the tree at the right spot. Right outside the door smack in the middle of the front yard. The tree they have has 2 trunks. It almost looks like it was 2 trees. Every year when we would go up to Grandma's I would love to play around that tree. I loved the helicopters every spring. Getting them stuck together was great. We alw

SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!

Well she did it! Sarah made the East Hills Cheering squad! I am very proud of her. I was told 50 girls tried out but only 18 made it. Although she has been cheering for 6 years,(enjoying every minute) I wasn't sure if she was going to make it. This was the first time she had to try out for a squad. I can tell you she was a nervous kid for the last few days. Practice started Monday went to Wednesday and Tryouts were today. Friday. Sarah has been practicing all week and even cheered outside for the neighbors whether they liked it or not! So the colors have changed to Maroon and White, but the cheerleader hasn't! Just wanted yall to know how VERY PROUD I AM! You Go Sarah!

Iron Pigs Baseball

Sarah's class got to go to an Iron Pigs baseball game during school hours. She asked Daddy to go. He said yes and then asked me to go. Sarah was happy and so I went. I have to say the stadium is very nice. This is a new AA team and they just started playing this year. Right now they are still working out the kinks and really haven't won any games yet. Hopefully they will. The day we went to the game it was a little chilly. I had to buy hot chocolate just to keep warm. The kids didn't seem to mind. They didn't seem to care if the Iron Pigs won either. I think they were happy to get out of school for the day. Sarah got a Pink mini bat. She wanted another hoodie but Mom wouldn't buy it and she didn't want to spend $55 of her own money. She got the bat instead. It's funny that they want you to spend your money but don't ask them to spend their own. Noah went to a Iron Pigs game a few days before with Mike and got a red mini bat. Both of them don&#

Hershey for the Day

Well here we are at Hershey Park and we got our pictures taken by the candy code we can ride. Last time we went to Hershey Noah was a Chocolate bar and Sarah was a Reese's peanut butter cup. They have grown a bunch! Noah got to bring a friend and Sarah hung out with me and rode some big roller coasters. She kept her eyes open for most of them and wanted to go back on a few. I did about 3 and was finished for the day. Noah stayed with dad and was happy to go on rides with James. I was tired when we started home. The kids all liked the day and enjoyed movies on the way home. I have to say I laughed a lot at Mike who got the great job of pushing Ryan's wheelchair everywhere. Hershey park is built on hills so I was glad to leave the pushing to Mike. He was all happy and laughing until the next day! I was really laughing then. Mike was sore. He said it hurt just to walk. I on the other hand was fine. The look on his face was priceless. Ryan had fun getting pushed up the hills and ev