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Great Grandpa's Tree

I was looking out my back door and realized just how much my tree has grown. This tree is a baby from the one in my Grandparents home in NY. I got this tree shortly after I moved to PA. I have very fond memories of climbing the tree in Grandma's front yard. I remember getting yelled at to stay out of that tree too. After I got older and had a family of my own I was told of the story of the tree by Grandma. It isn't a great story with lots of excitement but just a story of my Grandparents love. This tree was the first thing they planted on thier property. They just went and picked this tree out and planted it. In my mind I can see them young and planting the tree at the right spot. Right outside the door smack in the middle of the front yard. The tree they have has 2 trunks. It almost looks like it was 2 trees. Every year when we would go up to Grandma's I would love to play around that tree. I loved the helicopters every spring. Getting them stuck together was great. We always tried to see how long we could keep them in flight. (Just incase you have no idea what I am talking about... the seeds. They look like helicopters) I am proud to let everyone know that for the first time ever my tree has helicopters. See the picture below. I even took the kiddos out to show them how we used to play with them. They seemed to enjoy it. I have a picture of Sarah by this tree when we first planted it. She was calling it Great Grandpa's tree. She loved to go out by the tree and give it hugs. In the picture that is what she is doing hugging Grandpa's tree. Of course she is as tall as the tree but now it is way taller than her. It is even taller than me. I am very excited every year to see how tall it really is. I love to see my kids love Great Grandpa's tree here in our yard as well as the tree at Great Grandma's house. I always smile when I think of this tree.
