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So Much Time HA

I thought, as I always do, that once the kids are back in school I would have spare time on my hands. Well this year has been no different than the other years. No time. Laundry, cooking (I cook when Mike isn't home), cleaning, cleaning and more CLEANING. I hate cleaning. It would be easier if the people living in my house would put their things away when they are done with it but they don't. So there fore I must clean up after them. I think I should count my blessings as I have quite a few. One of which I don't HAVE to work. I think I might like to work but I don't have to atleast not yet.

I have to say I love my Longaberger business. It is very fun to go out and make a few new friends and make some extra money. So if any of you would like to have a show I will travel! I should tell you that I did take a bustrip to Ohio in September. We had a ball. Ike came across Ohio and killed the electricity at the hotel for a few hours. It was funny eating by candle light. I was getting worried about sleeping in a hot room but the electricity came back on after dinner. It was a nice trip and a great way to make more friends. I will write more on the trip soon. Promise.

There really isn't anything bug going on here. Great Grandma came to visit again. We had fun with her. Of course we baked again. Well Great Grandma really baked we helped by not helping! We made cookies for Teddy again. He hasn't let me know how they were. I am hoping good. We also went apple picking. I told Grandma she should come back in November. We can do something else. (She's thinking about it).

Noah's class is doing Flat Stanley. We sent them all (25 or so) to Teddy in Iraq. I thought the kids would have fun and the soliders would get a kick out of writting someone. We already sent a big box of goodies to them and are hoping to send another one next week.. (Teddy's birthday is he 25 of Oct). The kids are all making cards and such. Teddy is giving the Stanleys out to his troops. So hopefully they will write back soon. The kids are Very excited. I can't wait to go back to make more stuff. I have something special in mind for the holidays. Can't tell you all now because Teddy might read this! I'll let you know later.
