Well, there is Mike getting ready to carve the Turkey. I was very happy that he was home to make thanksgiving this year. I learned alot last year about cooking a big meal but I really didn't want to do it again. I was happy to sit back and enjoy him cooking. I even slept until 7:50. My mom actually called and woke me up. That was funny since I am always up at 6:30. So I guess I needed a little rest.
I had a friend come up from Maryland to enjoy Thanksgiving with us. I was happy to see Stephanie again. Her girls are very pretty and very well behaved. She is doing a great job being both parent
s. Stephanie is always so cheerful and always sees things on the positive side. I always admired her for that. No matter what you are going through she can ALWAYS cheer you up. She always makes me laugh. I had a great time with them all. We went shopping in the weeee hours of the morning. When we were done shopping we went and got the girls and went to Christmas market. There was alot to see down there. I even got a few things I will be sending to Teddy. I was a little sad to see them go but I know we will see them soon.