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Thoughts of the day

It has amzaed me today that I feel a little older. I sat down and looked at a few pictures of Sarah. I saw a comercial on tv talking about the Gerber Baby. I remember (as if it was yesterday) being at a reststop changing her diaper as other women walked into the restroom. A few commented on how she looked like a gerber baby. I smiled and said thanks. As I looked at pictures of her as a baby and of today I was speechless. I know she looks like me. I know she has changed in the last 2 years and I am amazed at her. She has grown up and is a beautiful person inside and out. She knows when she has done something wrong and she feels bad about it. I see her growing in ways I don't remember growing when I was her age. She thinks like her dad. He thinks things out and I don't. I am a give me now, he is a save and wait. I am happy she thinks things out. I think it will save her feelings in the long run. I LOVE HER>
More about her, I AM SO PROUD OF SARAH!!!! She made honor roll again. 5 A's and 3 B's. Way to go girlie!

Now Noah made good grades too. All B's. Very proud of him too. He was excited when he handed me his report card. He is even doing better with his musical instrument practice. He really practices every day. ( I think that was because I told him he needed to practice or quit. He chose to practice. Good for him!

Ryan is funny. I got a phone call last week about his walker. He has been insistant on walking with it behind him. The teacher called because after talking to Ryan she wasn't sure if it went in the front or behind him. I assured her that it goes in front of him. I told her to tell him he was full of baloney and to put it in front of him. He did for a week but I got another call today. It is safer for him to walk with it in front of him so they are making him walk with it the right way. I can't wait for him to come home to tell me about his day. He is soo funny. His personality is coming out big time. He loves to sing and the teachers love it. He has won all of the singing contest for name that tune. They are very surprised of the music he knows. (not just country either) We have moved him into his own room and he seems to be loving it. He was in with Noah but he snores and Noah likes to sleep with the light on so neither of them were sleeping good. Now he is in the spare room and he is loving it. I am hoping Noah can now keep his room clean. Not that Ryan made any mess at all.

Becca will be graduating this year. She is in her last few months of highschool. She is excited so that she can move out and be on her own. I understand. I remember being 18. Wanting to take controll of my life. My prayers are that she stays safe and makes good decisions. She needs to do what she feels is best for her. That is hard for me. I want her to make the right decisions but it is hard to watch as she learns lessons and fails. Although she knows we will always be here for her I just hate to watch her get hurt. Sometimes life stinks.

Mike is doing good and he is still looking for a job. He is sending out resumes all over and even has thought out side the box so to speak. He has a few leads but everyday changes with the economy. A job will be there today but not tomorrow because they put a hiring freeze on. Mike is flying part time for a few companies and hopefully that will lead into a job. You never know. I have to say I know God is in control and he will take care of us.

I have a JOB. I work for Kirkland Village as a home health aid. I will be assisting older people with daily things. I am very excited and start this week with orentation. I go tomorrow for a physical and for my drug testing. I can't wait! I also will be starting school March 10. Big changes right now but like I said God is in control. One day at a time is all I can do. Sometimes it seems like I have a big burden on my shoulder but all I have to do is pass it on.
