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Been a while?

All I can say is WOW! It has been quiet a while since I posted anything. Shame on me! I am sitting a work wondering why I haven't blogged in a while. Alot of changes have gone on in my house these last couple of months. Mike is still out of work but he is working. He gets called to fly on different trips for different companies. He is still waiting to find out about the job he applied for and interviewed for back in April. He has flown them a few times and loves it. They are trying other people out to see who is the best fit. I sure hope its Mike! I will take anything God offers!

I have finished my classes and am now a certified phlebotomist! I have a job in phlebotomy and I really love it. We get a lot of people daily! I have even taken blood from a few friends that didn't mind at all! Can't wait to go to work in the morning. The fun starts early in the day and keeps going for the most part until I go home. I am so glad I went back to school! Who knows maybe I will even go back for some more training. (I doubt it but you never know!)

Becca has moved out and is living with her mom again. She didn't want to go to college nor go into the military so I told her she had to leave. She had told us that she wanted to go into the military and was trying hard to get into shape so she could go in. Then she hanged her mind and decided college was what she wanted to do. I was ok with that as well but then when she didn't want that anymore and I didn't see her trying to improve her life we told her she hsad to do something or she was going to have to leave. he agreed at first to sign up for a class in college. That was short lived and she decided she was going to move. She still calls and texts sometimes and she is doing well. I miss her but Mike and I felt we should let her do nothing with her life and tried to push her in the right way. Right now living with her Mom is where she should be. She knows we love her and that if she needs anything I am here for her.

Ryan is still loving his program. Although he can't wait for camp. He cracks me up when he gets all excited about camp. He has already been in the pool this year. He liked it but got out after about 30 minutes. I am sure this summer he will be in alot. It's already hot here and June has just started!

Sarah has had alot of challenges this year. She was excepted into Harmonium at school and loved the program. Although it was hard to adjust to for her she had a great time. She has tried out for Freedon high School cheering and made alternate. Not sure what that means yet so we are hoping she gets on the team. She said she didn't do very well at the tryouts so to even make alternate is great. She also tried out for the performing arts high school and didn't get in. Her besy friend did. Of course she was upset but she has had time to adjust to not geting in. I am praying she finds her nitch soon. I think growing up now is alot harder than when I was 15. Way to easy for the kids to pick on each other. They can bully each other on the computer, on the phone, and they can do it anomously. Technology isn't always better.

Noah is being brave this year. he asked us if hew could join football. I am a little nervous because all the sports he has played if he got hurt he would cry and not want to play anymore. I told him he can't do that in football. If he gets tacckled and it hurt he has to get back up and do it again. he assures me that he knows and he wants to play. I signed him up. UGH We will see what happens. Can you believe my Noah is now a 6th grader?! I have no more elementary kids just a middle schooler and a high schooler. Time is marching on! Although I still feel young.

So for now life is going foward. the pool is open, the kids are out of schhol for the summer and vacations are being planned. The kids want to do it ALL and I am hoping we can do some. lol Isn't that how it always is?!
