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Showing posts from March, 2008

Wireless at last!!!!

Well a very good friend, (Donna), fixed my computer so that we are now wireless. The kids have thier own computer and I have mine! I cleaned up the software and now the computer is alot faster! It is amazing what they put on the computer! Oh well. Thanks so much for the comments! I get excited when I read them. Keep them coming! I also should let you all know that I can't figure out how to down load the video. So we will not be putting Noah on here. At least for now, I will be happy to play you the dvd when you come visit. So you will either be knocking at my door soon or you will be staying away :). This week flew by. The kids didn't have school on monday so I feel like I lost a day. Sarah was sick yesterday so I lost another one. I do my running around when they are in school so it is hard when they are home. With that being said I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No school no running around just a pool and warm air! Soon, very soon! Alright now I promise picture

visiting with old friends

Wow I have to say I love the computer! Where else can you type little notes to tell everyone about your life and send it to a bunch of family and friends. Just a little update for everyone to keep up with the PA Evans'. I just got done talking to a dear friend of mine in Texas. Sylvia. Sylvia was one of my Bridesmaids a long time ago. She got married and moved to Texas. Which was not fun for me. (hey this is my blog all about me). She seemed to thrive. She moved back to family and friends. It was nice to talk to her for a while. I could see her due to the great web cam she has but she couldn't see me. Mike got a kick out of seeing Sylvia that we went out and got one too. I have to say it is neat to use. We get together now on the computer a few times a week. Well for now anyway. All of the kids love this because they can see themselves on the computer too. Sylvia's 3 and just 2 of mine. They are so cute trying to see themselves. I have to be careful though because Noah is h

Leaving Comments

Okay I know yall are reading these but not sure if you know how to leave a comment. I would really like to know what you think so leave me a comment or two. All you have to do is click on comment under the post. It will take you through the process of leaving a comment. It is simple so why not tell me you were here and leave a comment. Thanks!!!

Noah The Builder

Well here is the new builder! Noah and Dad decided to have a Father son day. They built this from the erector set Noah got for Christmas from Grandma. They were very happy with the oil rig. Noah said they are going to start the Ferris Wheel next! He wanted to start out small incase he didn't like it. So watch out because he is set on building things now. He reminds me of my brother Chuckie. (or Charlie as he likes to be called now). Chuckie was always taking things apart only to put it all back together again. Most of the time with extra parts. I think thier minds work the same! Anyway Noah just found something else to do. I don't think I want to show him the build a robot kits!

Easter Sunday

I have to figure out how to put a video on here. Noah had a solo in the children's choir today. It was his first one by himself. He sang a few weeks ago with his sister and another friend but today was all him. He was very nervous. He was forgetting the words when he practiced this morning. When he got up in front of everyone he was a pro! I videoed it so as soon as I can I will put it on here. I am very proud of him. It took alot of guts to go in front of 2 services and sing! He was very good and liked the fact that people he didn't know came up to him and told him he was very good. I can tell you he was smiling from ear to ear and didn't stop until 4 pm today. He didn't even want to sing until this year. All last year he kept telling me that singing was not for him! Now I can't get him to stop! He even sings at the dinner table and we have to remind him to stop singing! Yes he is just like me when I was his age. Well check back later for the video. Hopefully I wil

13 now a teenager

Wow can you believe she is now 13! I really have to stop blinking. Seems like yesterday she was just learning to walk. Time is going by. I remember thinking I would never grow up. Oh how I wanted to be a grown up when I was in my teens..... how I laugh at myself sometimes! Well she turned 13 and Mike and I are speechless. She had a party at a new place where you make a video and a music cd. Sarah had fun and so did her friends. Everyone got to take a picture of themselves and the video and music cd's home in thier goody bags! Of course she had 4 boys there. It was funny how they kept totally separate from the girls. Daddy was happy! I just smile because I know what is coming next! Life is funny. Sarah is excited that she got a Zune for her birthday. I have already downloaded a few songs for her. I guess I should show her how to do it so I don't have too. Well from her friends she got alot of clothes. So I guess she will be wearing them for a little while. She even wanted to
Well I figured If I had a picture of Sarah and myself I really needed to have one of Noah and myself. This picture was taken from my cell phone. I really like it. Now you tell me which one looks like me? I get that they both look like me all the time. Today I was asked if I was Sarah's older sister. Sarah rolled her eyes. I chuckled. Atleast for now. Noah has been into Math for the last few years. He really likes to figure out stuff. He reminds me of my brother Chuckie. Chuckie always took things apart to see if he could put it back together. Most of the time he would have "extra" parts.
Can you believe they got 2nd. As you can see from Sarah's face she is very excited. This is her last competition for the bulldogs. She is now too old to cheer for the township and has to try out for the school team. She can't wait for that. Sometime soon is the tryouts. We will keep our fingers crossed and pray she makes it. Her school's name is East Hills Middle School and her best friend is on the squad. I have to say Sarah really has improved this year. She is always doing cheer m oves and loves to shout. She gets her mouth from her mom :-]. I always knew it would come in handy!