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visiting with old friends

Wow I have to say I love the computer! Where else can you type little notes to tell everyone about your life and send it to a bunch of family and friends. Just a little update for everyone to keep up with the PA Evans'.

I just got done talking to a dear friend of mine in Texas. Sylvia. Sylvia was one of my Bridesmaids a long time ago. She got married and moved to Texas. Which was not fun for me. (hey this is my blog all about me). She seemed to thrive. She moved back to family and friends. It was nice to talk to her for a while. I could see her due to the great web cam she has but she couldn't see me. Mike got a kick out of seeing Sylvia that we went out and got one too. I have to say it is neat to use. We get together now on the computer a few times a week. Well for now anyway. All of the kids love this because they can see themselves on the computer too. Sylvia's 3 and just 2 of mine. They are so cute trying to see themselves. I have to be careful though because Noah is his Dad through and through. (He LOVES to talk).

Hopefully I will be able to see them when they come up to Maryland during the summer. I would like to get together with a few friends from the OLD days and remember them good ole days, ha ha.
