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pictures.. and ramblings

I found this picture the other day and thought it was really cute. Of course don't tell Noah I tought it was cute he might get mad! This picture was taken on our way home from Uncle Teddy's house in June. He talked me into getting the hat for him while we were in Texas by saying he wanted to be Indian Jones for Halloween. He got it as you can see but I refused to by the whip to go with it! It is funny how you are just going along day by day and suddenly you look at your kids and discover that they are growing up right in front of you. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze the moments and just stay quite looking. I have to say all of the kids are doing great so far in school. Sarah knows that she will be off the team if she doesn't keep her grades up. She has been doing wonderful at school and her teachers love her. Noah has also been doing good. He likes his teachers and can't wait to go every morning. B is feeling the stress of her senior year appling for colleges and scholarships. Even Ryan is doing so good a t school they want to have him walk now. He has been coming home so tired that he goes to bed before it is time! He isn't that little kid that I danced with at our wedding anymore. He is talking so much and even starts the conversation now. He loves the busdriver and other adults on his bus. He is still telling me what to pack for lunch for him. He is soo cute!
