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Life is crazy

Ok so I haven't been blogging and I will be surprised if anyone but myself reads this! I have had a rough time lately and didn't really want to blog or really do anything. I have been working for 10 months now. Although I love the residents I take care of I hate the women. Now not all of them but there are a few that really need to grow up! I feel like I am back in High school, which lets face it, STUNK. Only because of the talking behind everyone's back, and the petty bullcrap that goes with being a girl. I can't tell you how happy I am going to be to leave this job. I will miss my residents but not the coworkers.

So let's start at the beginning. As you all know Mike lost his job December 15, 2008. We have managed to stay in our house and are not behind on the bills. However, the severence pay is running low and if he doesn't get a job soon things will be extremly tough. I am trusting in God that he will provide for us. That being said I do not expect him to just out of the blue get Mike a job. I expect Mike and I to do everything we can to get Mike a job. I expect God to be there with us weather we lose the house or not. If he can take care of the birds he can take care of me. I just realized today, that I was expecting him to fix everything for me. I thought if Mike or I would put out our resumes, we would get a job. Well yes and no. I mean we have to follow up. We need to be making a few phone calls everyday until we get hired. If I have to take a job in which I am not happy, then I will. Although I have to say that I never wanted to work. I was thinking maybe I would get something after Noah sarted Highschool. Oh well, I couldn't wait I started early. Sometimes we need to come together as a family and the way God makes that happen is in hard times.

Sarah is doing well in school. I had to go into her classroom and talk to both teachers about her grades. Although she is passing with C+'s I found out she wasn't doing her homework. Someone made a comment to her about her not supposed to be in that class and she took it to heart. She allowed someone else to make up her mind for her. I told her that no one can make us feel infierior without our permission. I think she gets what I ws trying to tell her. Don't you love Eleanor Roosevelt? She was the one who said that quote. She just told me earlier this evening that she wants to be a singer. I remember those dreams! That's all I wanted to be. I gave up on that dream when I told myself I wasn't good enough. It is amazing what we can talk ourselves out of.

Noah is facing his own little things. He like to tell stories and I need to stop him from doing it. Not cute little the dog ran away with the spoon stories but lies. As a friend of mine said to me TODAY in fact, The kids aren't held accountable because their parents are lazy. I thought about that and it is true. I don't let my kids get away with alot but there are days when I am ready to throw in the towel when they start pestering! I have to stop throwing in that towel.

Noah and sarah have both been great through out this period in our lives. So far everything has turned out well. With Christmas coming I am hoping thaat we come together as a family a whole lot more and we really focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We have tried to focus on this by starting a new tradition in my family. Baby Jesus is wrapped and put in someone's gift pile. When them unwrap him we all stop and read the true meaning of Christmas.... Jesus' birth. I thought that the kids wouldn't like this but they have little discussions on whose turn it is to find Baby Jesus. This time if year is great to really bring families closer and I hope that mine will be no exception to this. I remember plauing games we reieved on christmas day with my brothers and parents. it is one of my best memories. We always looked foward to getting games because that meant we had to play them for the next few days.
