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El Paso Texas

Well we just got back from our trip to El Paso Texas to visit Teddy and his family. Noah, Sarah, My Mom and Great Grandma went with me to see Natasha graduate from High School. She is going to the University of New Mexico in the fall. I am proud of her! We arrived on Tuesday and her graduation was Wednesday. Noah and Sarah had a great time on the plane. They both sat by the windows and got to look out and see those clouds. Noah told me that it looked like you could walk on the clouds. They were pretty. Sarah and Noah both feel asleep on the plane. We got up at 3am because the airport is 1 1/2 hours away. Our plane left at 6 am. Boy were we all tired! After we finally arrived we went to eat at Ihop. I have to say it was pretty cold inside the restaurant. The air conditioning was going full blast. Now outside was only 108 degrees so I don't know why they turned up the ac so high. We had a great time visiting with everyone. Natasha has grown into a beautiful lady. She is taller than me. She is almost as tall as her father. As you can see in the picture. Natasha took Noah upstairs and dressed him in her graduation robe and cap. I thought it was really cute to see that. He was very happy to pose for pictures with Natasha after the wardrobe change. Noah was told that he was their little brother and he had to stay with them in Texas. He was fine with that he loved it. The girls told him they wanted a little brother and he was happy to volunteer. Sarah had a good time as well. She hung out with the girls as much as possible too. We went to a baseball game with Uncle Teddy and Grandpa. The kids loved it. Noah got a blow up bat and Sarah got shorts that had the team logo on them as souvenirs. When we got back to our seats the mascot (a chicken) was sitting behind our seats so there was a little line to get back to our seats. Noah went up to the mascot and asked for his autograph. The chicken tried to sign the bat but his marker didn't work. So I took the marker and tried to get it working. Mean while the chicken was goofing around with Noah and pretended to eat his head. Noah enjoyed the evening. Teddy even tried to catch a foul ball but it slipped out of his hand. It was a great try though. Noah wanted him to catch another one so he could have it. Needless to say that didn't happen. I have to say I was impressed that he even tried for the ball without a glove. Way to go bro! If you ever go to El Paso stay at Embassy Suites. The people there are very friendly. We had a great time and talked to a bunch of people. They made you feel at home. They even helped us find a few souvenir stores. Noah decided to try a lollipop with a real dead scorpion in it. I have to say I thought it was gross but he did suck on it until he reached the body and decided it was gross. If you look really close you can see the scorpion. He could of had a worm but thought the scorpion was better. Yuck. At a different store Noah got an Indian Jones hat. Well he thinks it looks like it anyway. He wanted the whip that went with it but mom said NOPE. He wants to dress up like Indiana Jones for Halloween. (At least he says that now) He wore that hat everywhere when he got it. Even to the mall. He fell asleep on Sarah's shoulder wearing the hat. Cute. He even wore it on the plane. He had too there was no room in the suitcase for it. Sarah also got a hat, a sombrero. A pink sombrero. It was too big to wear on the plane so we had to pack it up. I am not sure why she wanted it but she bought it with her own money. Right now it is on her bed post. So if you ever need a pink sombrero let me know we have one you can use! Well for now that's all I have. I will post more about the trip tomorrow so check back. I have a ton of cleaning up to do. Laundry is always fun when you come back from vacation!


Anonymous said…
Sounds like you had a beautiful trip! Welcome home
Lissa said…
Thank you so much for leaving that wonderful comment to me. You brought tears to my eyes just knowing that my blog is helping you. Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone reads it and to see that you do and that it's helping you truly is an honor to me. Thank you again, you really made my day!