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Grandma's House

Guess what we do for fun. I have to say this is what I love about going to Grandma's house. We all gather around the table and play cards. We play alot of skipbo but I really don't care what game it is! We all just sit around and talk, laugh, and have fun. You would be surprised how much talking we get done playing games. I always am! I love to go up there. I always come home feeling like I can take on the world. I guess you can say Grndma's house is my place to relax. Even when the kids are with me I know that I will be going home feeling loved, excited for whatever is next and just plain happy. Of course I don't win if my Mom plays. (very few times if ever) It seems she always wins. She sits in the perfect chair to win. Grandma was the big winner this day when we played. She just kept winning. So my advise is if you need to feel loved, or happy, or even to get energy back go see Grandma! Whoever she may be. Grandma's are funny people. Growing up we think they have no clue about the life. They are older and things have changed sooo much since they were our age. They don't understand. Let me tell you a thing I learned as I looked back on things...... Grandma's know alot more about life than we do. I am amazed at my Grandmother's life growing up. Sarah had a birthday party when she was 9 focused around when Grandma was 9. We learned of the games she used to play, the tar beaches and even what she used to sing. Sarah's favorite was the paper dolls. Grandma's paper dolls were from the newspaper. She would cut out women in ads and make dresses for them. Grandma also had a game that just needed string and a used spool of thread. You put the string thru the spool and tied ends together. You then would wind up the spool and keep it going by pulling the string out and back. I have to say Sarah still plays with the string we made that day. Of course we couldn't find wooded spools so we used buttons. Some of the kids that came to the party tell me they play with it as well. If we sit and listen we can learn alot. Yup I just came to that conclusion. I like listening. Even sitting talking to my mom, Sarah's Mermaw, I can learn alot. I have to say Sarah learns more from Mom than I do. She tells me of some of the things they talk about. I never knew some of the things she tells me. I get to learn about my Mom through my Daughter. Funny how things happen.


Anonymous said…
It's great you have such a wonderful time with your Mom and Grandma. Cherish those times and hold on to those memories. I know from experience that life changes fast and life will not wait for you to make those memories to last a life time. You are very fortunate to have some family unity left, Enjoy it!!