Today is a great day for this country. I am very proud of the service men and women that have served our country. Willingly giving up a part of their lives for us. Sometimes giving up their lives for freedom. So Thank you one and all.
Sometimes saying thank you just doesn't seem enough. Sometimes it is more than enough. So if you see someone in uniform just say thanks. You might just be surprised by the reaction of the service man/woman. I remember riding by the Armory a few years ago and their was a group of protesters on front of the armory. They were screaming at the men in uniform. I was angry and I could tell Mike was as well. He wanted to stop and yell at the protesters. I rolled my window down and yelled "thanks for serving" to the men in uniform. The protesters stopped and looked, the men stopped smiled and yelled "your welcome". We were stuck in traffic for a few minutes and I saw the men in uniform walk with smiles on their faces and the protesters stop yelling at least until we were gone. You just never know when a kind word will touch someones day.
So Thanks for all you do to the MANY service men and women! May God Bless you and keep you safe!