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Showing posts from August, 2008

2, 4, 6, 8, what can we break!

Well Sarah got ot wear her cheer uniform to school today. She was excited! I have to say she looks cute in it. I think so anyway, I guess I am bias though. Anyway, she got dressed this morning and did her hair just right. I think the child has just started becoming a beautiful young lady. If you look close at her right hand you can see she has a splint on her finger. Sarah was asked (yesterday)to feed Demo and let him out. She did although she slammed her finger in the door as she was closing it. She screamed and came upstairs crying. I took her to the Dr and got it checked out. Her finger is badly bruised said the Dr. She is not allowed to do gym or sports until Tuesday. She did go to cheer practice because she didn't want the coaches to think she didn't want to cheer. She stayed away from the group but did the cheers with them. The Dr said he didn't want anyone hitting her finger by accident. Sarah said everyone kept away from her. She is making new friends

Guess what today WAS!!!!!!

Yup, it was that very first day of school. I could hear all the mom's cheering as the teachers walked the kids inside to start the new year. Okay maybe only in my mind were we all cheering. I have to say this summer really went by fast. So many people asked me if I was ready for the kids to go back to school. I smiled a great big smile and said YUP. I am ready for school to begin. Ryan is now going to school year round, B is a senior this year, Sarah is in 7th grade and thinks this will be the best year! Noah is now in 4th grade. Hold it, yup he is in 4th grade. I don't really know how that one happened. I swear he was just in 1st grade yesterday. Nope 4th grade. I have to say that I have a hard time with that one. Oh well, reailty check. Sarah was very excited this morning as I woke her up by calling her cell phone. She jumped out of bed and couldn't wait to get going. I on the other hand wasn't quite ready to get up but I did. Next came Noah. He was easy to wake up be

Me and my Mermah

Here is Sarah and Mermah. A few of my friends have said Sarah looks like my Mom. Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't. This picture was taken last Saturday when we went to drop off Great Grandma at her house. We sat in the porch and I snapped away. Sarah didn't like the first couple so I had to take more. This is the first one I did. I thought it was the nicest! Just thought I would show everyone how my mom and daughter looked. Enjoy the picture!

1st Day

Ryan had his first day of "school" Monday. (August 11) He was very excited and couldn't wait to go. We talked about school for a week before he went. All he kept saying was that he wanted Daddy to pack his lunch. I tried to convince him that I should pack it but he kept saying he wanted Daddy to do it. Well I bribed him with pudding. Yup, I bribed him and I would do it again! He finally said he wanted me to pack his lunch. (Do you know how BIG that is? Ryan wants Daddy to do everything for him. forget about us) Anyway now he says I am the only one who can pack his lunch. He loves the pudding I put in his lunches. He also tells me what he wants to go in his lunch that I pack. Most days (it's only been 4) Ryan wants a PB&J, peaches, pudding and pretzels. Only one day he asked for grapes. So very happy I could make him happy. He came off the bus the first day tired. He actually took a nap when he got home. The second day he came home telling stories of what he did at

My new semi permanent smile

Well, today was the day she wanted but then again not! Sarah is concerned about her smile. She wanted her teeth fixed for quite some time now. We finally got all the paper work and stuff done so that she could get them fixed. It didn't help that our dentist told us to wait for another 8 months. I just set up the appointment and did it anyway. The orthodontist was happy to see her and because we didn't wait Sarah only needs to wear the braces for 18 months. The average is 27 months, so I would say she is good! Sarah did not want to smile and said that now her smile is ugly. I never had braces so I really don't know what to tell her. I just say that she is very pretty and that the braces will correct her teeth so that she will be able to eat correctly in a few months. Noah goes in 4 weeks to get his appliance put in his mouth. He doesn't need braces right now just an adjuster to make his mouth bigger. Hopefully that is all he will need and we will be done with his mouth!


I forgot to write about Nana. I am sorry! I went to pick Sarah up from her trip to GA and to drop Ryan off I went to Dad's house to visit for a little while. I didn't realize Nana was there. I would have come earlier! ALthough I didn't get to talk to Nana too much because I went in to help Sandy with dinner and we go to talking. I have to say Sandy and I don't talk too often. This was on of the only times we really talked. Not about the weather or little things but we talked. gIt was nice. I did miss talking to Nana though and will be calling her soon. Maybe we could get together and talk for a little while. That would be nice. I miss that! This picture really isn't the best one the sun was in our eyes. I did have a nice chit chat while we were sitting in thepool though. Nana looks great! I am sure she had a great visit with my Dad. Stay posted for more visits with Nana.

My Little Windber

I took Grandma down to "her little Windber". That's where her mom grew up and she used to visit when she was a girl growing up. Well we found out that it isn't "little Windber" anymore! On Saturday morning I told Grandma that we were going to drive to see Windber. At first Grandma wasn't sure she really wanted to go. It was a long drive and we could do something with the family. I told her that nope we were going. She told me of her cousin but wasn't sure if he even lived there anymore. I went to the computer and found him in a minute. I came back into the room and showed her the information and she said she thought it was him. So I called and spoke with Jr. He said he would be around all day and that we could come so off we went. It took us about 4 hours to get there. All along talking about Grandma's memories of Windber and Jr. I was very thankful for the GPS system we had. We didn't get lost until we got to his street. After we found his h

Making memories with cookies

Well, I just took Grandma back to her house. As I am sitting here I am thinking about everything we did. We spent days talking, remembering when..., picking peaches, baking goodies, visiting with family, making a bunch of new memories. I think this week was a great week. I am glad Grandma agreed to come down to spend sometime here at the "never stops house!" It seemed that since she got here we were constantly doing something. We did take 2 days to really just sit and talk but other than that we were on the go. This picture was of the day we baked. With all of those peaches we had to do something with them. So we made the peach buckle. We also made cookies for Teddy. It was nice to see that my kids wanted to help out too. They even put on thier aprons and chef hats for Grandma to see. They looked cute but I forgot to make it a kodak moment! I have to say I am going to go to bed a little disappointed tonight! Grandma won't be here in the morning to sit and talk to ove

Having too much fun!

I just got this picture from my husband. He took it at dinner on Saturday night. We went to Outback Steak house. Grandma said she never had a Bloomin Onion so we got one. She enjoyed it very much. I like the picture. It has become one of my favorites! I was told by a neighbor we look alike. So what do you think? Do we? I went and picked Grandma up from her house and brought her down to mine for the week. I have to say this week has been a GREAT one. We have talked, and talked, and talked some more. Grandma has shared alot about her childhood, married live, adulthood. I am very blessed to have such a great woman in my life. We haven't really stopped since she got here. I was going to take her to crayola factory today but we got sidetracked and just talked and played yahtzee. She came out and talked to me as I cleaned the pool up. We ate lunch and played yahtzee with a friend. We finally went to the store this evening to get supplies for baking. So tomorrow is my baking day with Gran

The Bee

Look at us we are Bee Girls! As most of you know I am an Independant Home consultant for the Longaberger Company. I just got back from my Big BEE convention in Columbus, Ohio. I go there when I can and get training and learn from others that have really done good things in the company. Everytime I go I have a Blast. This year was a great year. I didn't know anyone I ws rooming with. (I knew them but we had just met) I picked the classes I wanted to go to and went to them. Sometimes with them and sometimes without. I learned alot and hope to be better at this job I LOVE!!!! I saw old friends that I see every year. Like Mike, he works in the home office (which by the way is shaped like a basket). I saw Greg who purchases the logs we use to make the baskets. He saw me and smiled and said to me "You, don't go anywhere!" I have to say it is nice to be remembered from people you only see once a year. I also saw Steve, he is a weaver for Longaberger. One year I was talking t

Boxes Sent to Teddy

Just thought I would mention that the boxes we sent to Teddy got there in 4 days. Mike mailed 2 boxes on Wednesday and one on Thursday. He got them on Monday. He recieved them all on Monday which I found funny. We sent DVD's, candy, drink mixes (explain in a minute), sunscreen, towllettes, notes and dallas cowboys stuff. Let me tell you about the drink mixes. Teddy sent me an email asking for the mixes you can pour into bottled water. He didn't care what kind but please NO PEACH ice tea. He said he is so tired of peach ice tea. I had already gotten some of them to be sent and made sure we didn't get any peach. (we didn't. I wouldn't want to drink peach tea either). He sent me an email that said he recieved 3 boxes he was running late thanks. I was glad to send them to him. Now that I know it will only take a few days to get Grandma and myself are going to make his favorite cookies, Grandma's pinwheels, and sent them off to him. Last time I sent him cookies he wa

So You Say You Want PEACHES?!

Wow Peaches and more peaches! Yesterday we went peach picking at a little place about 40 minutes away. They let me drive right up to the orchard trees. Ryan even picked a few peaches. He was very excited! As you can see in the picture Grandma is standing by a few baskets of peaches. We actually picked a little over 53 pounds. Yup, I am crazy! I talked Grandma into baking a few things today with the peaches. Like peach cobbler and a peach crumb cake thing she has the recipe for. We might even can peaches not really sure though. Sarah and her friend went picking with us. They both picked the most. Sarah picked over 13 pounds and her friend picked a little over 12 pounds. After we picked all of the peaches we went out to eat. Ryan was very excited as he asked where we were going. I told him he had to wait and see but he didn't like that idea. He kept naming the resturants we had passed on our way to the orchard. He finally said Cracker Barrel and I said maybe. You should have seen him