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Showing posts from 2009
Alot has happened in the last two months. First let me start with Sarah and her DEBUT singing. She is in a class where they learn from music and they put show on. She loves singing (I have no idea where she got that just kidding). I knew she could sing but I didn't really know she could really sing. I was sitting in the audience that first night of the show all proud but when she got up to sing the last song of the night I was BLOWN AWAY! She had me speechless. I hope she makes you speechless as well. This class is really a nice class. She has alot of friends in the class. I have been given glances into the woman Sarah is becoming and it takes my breath away. Wow is all I can say! It doesn't look like the video is going to work tonight so I will have to do it tom. after I get home from work. Wish it would save! I was going to put up one of Noah as well but I guess I will have to do it tom as well. He got to sing at Church with the Adult choir. He sang Away in a Manger verses 1


I have been thinking a lot lately about Christmas. I have great memories of my childhood Christmases. Going to bed and we couldn't sleep because we were so excited to see what Santa was going to bring. Waking up super early to run and wake up mom and dad so they could go make sure that Santa was gone before we ran to see the tree and presents. Opening gifts on Christmas morning. Saving the stockings for last. (Or maybe they were first) Always so much excitement in the house. Having a big breakfast on Christmas morning. I guess my favorite part about Christmas day was when the gifts were all unwrapped and breakfast was done we would sit around as a family and play the board games we just received .. All of us played the games. Pay Day , Monopoly, sorry just to name a few. I think That is what i treasured the most. Family time together. We played with the other things we got as well but it was something so great as the moments we played together. This year things are tig

Okay Breathe

THIS POST WAS WRIITEN A LITTLE WHILE AGO AND I JUST NEVER PUBLISHED IT. I WASN'T SURE I WANTED TO MAKE MY HURT PUBLIC BUT GOD IS FOREVER FAITHFUL. I AM FILLED WITH HOPE. MAYBE THIS BLOG WILL HELP SOMEONE ELSE. Well again I have not been keeping up with my blog. Life sometimes gets too busy and when I look up The year is almost gone. How does this happen. Do you remember in school how it took FOREVER for the year to end? Now the years are flying by. Although I am sure Sarah and Noah don't think they are. Sometimes it has been difficult to stop and just breathe. However I am going to do that right now. I am going to breathe and get everything out. Mike lost his job last Dec and he hasn't been able to find another job. He did get to fly Oprah Winfrey. He enjoyed that opportunity but thats all it turned out to be, an opportunity. He has been getting a few trips here and there but nothing permanate. He is still looking and trusting God but it is getting difficult now. I don&#

Life is crazy

Ok so I haven't been blogging and I will be surprised if anyone but myself reads this! I have had a rough time lately and didn't really want to blog or really do anything. I have been working for 10 months now. Although I love the residents I take care of I hate the women. Now not all of them but there are a few that really need to grow up! I feel like I am back in High school, which lets face it, STUNK. Only because of the talking behind everyone's back, and the petty bullcrap that goes with being a girl. I can't tell you how happy I am going to be to leave this job. I will miss my residents but not the coworkers. So let's start at the beginning. As you all know Mike lost his job December 15, 2008. We have managed to stay in our house and are not behind on the bills. However, the severence pay is running low and if he doesn't get a job soon things will be extremly tough. I am trusting in God that he will provide for us. That being said I do not expect him to j

Working Late

Well, here I sit at work and it's 3:30am. I don't mind working at night, it really is fun. You can watch TV, (although nothing but infomercals are on), I don't really have to interact with the residents, (that really stinks because I love the residents), I can go on the computer and get things done. So all in all I guess the late shift isn't bad. I do get tired around 1 am. If I can make it past 1 then I should be fine the rest of the time. I have 2 more late shifts this week. Thursday and friday. I am excited because it is with a resident that I love! I don't know how I got both nights with her but I am excited! I tried to upload a picture of my Aunt karen and Grandma but it didn't go through. I will try again before I finish this blog. I took the picture at Josh and Chelsea's wedding. Looking back I will be married for 16 years this September. WOW that's a long time. You know I still feel like it was maybe a year ago when we got married. Funny how time

Time Marches on

I started this new entry a little while ago and then it was erased so I will start over. I know it has been since April and alot has changed so let's just get right to it! Noah got his cast off, just in time for the summer and swimming in the pool. He kept the cast on for about 10 weeks. His arm is doing just fine now and he is even roller blading again. (much to my dislike!) He is waiting not so patiently to see who his teacher will be for 5th grade. He would like Mr. Snyder. I am leaving it in God's hands as I have done every year since he started. I can't believe this is my last year at elementary school! Where did the time go? He is already starting to get excited. I am too. I think this year will be great for him. He just has to really focus on his homework and get it done. I am going to try to really get him to understand that he HAS to be responsible! I can't be responsible for him this year. I hope he learns it quick. Wow just 6 years ago he was starting Kinderg

More Stuff

You know when it rains sometimes it rains too much! Noah did fracture his wrist but it wasn't just a regular fracture, he broke his growth plate in his wrist. Noah also kept telling me it wasn't the arm he broke when he was 2. It was the same arm. Like I said when it rains.... Noah will be in the cast for at least 4 weeks. The Dr thinks he might be able to put an air cast on it after the 4 weeks but we will have to wait and see. Noah got the cast on Monday and he took a shower tonight. Let me tell you that it is hard to get a shower without getting the cast wet. We put 4 bags on his cast and even put rubber bands around the top of it. It still got wet. UUGGHH! When it rains..... Sarah is doing well. She has tryouts sometime in May for cheering again. I think she will make the squad again. She has been a great leader this year. Very Proud of my kids. Sarah is still growing and learning all about herself. I have to say I don't like it. She has been hurt by her first little bo

work work work

You know I always wanted to be a mom. Just stay home and take care of my family and home. Now I can say that love working. Well for the most part. I love the people I met at work. The stories they can tell. WOW is all I can say. It is a neat feeling to be able to really make a difference in peoples' lives. Now the bad part of working, house cleaning, laundry and not enough time to spend with my children. The hardest part is that I am not home with Sarah, Noah, Becca and Ryan. It is always nice to be able to sit and talk whenever I want with them but now it is hard. We have to schedule time. I feel like I am working all the time. I am and it feels nice to be needed and wanted. I get a great feeling when I walk into a room and you see the face light up of the person you are going to take care of. I know I am liked by the residents and that makes me feel good. I get a kick out of making them smile. Boy the stories they tell!!! hope Sarah will be able to volunteer here this summer.

Just catching up

Well, alot has happened since I last wrote. I got a job, I went back to school, Mike has been looking for a job, going on interviews...etc. Let me start by telling you about Mike. I went to work my first day and saw a notice about someone coming in to talk about the White House, Air Force One and the FBI.. I talked to a friend at work and said that Mike used to fly on Air Force One and he likes to talk maybe I should tell whomever is in charge of the program. She agreed and gave me her name. I got Mike to go in and talk to her. She was thrilled to met him and wanted him to come in to talk. Mike went in and met the lady doing the program on the White House and Air Force One. She was just showing a movie. So the lady from my job asked Mike to come back in April and give a talk of his own. They even want to pay him for his time. I just thought Mike would like to get out of the house and give the talk. I never thought they would pay him. He was told that he could go around to the other fac

Thoughts of the day

It has amzaed me today that I feel a little older. I sat down and looked at a few pictures of Sarah. I saw a comercial on tv talking about the Gerber Baby. I remember (as if it was yesterday) being at a reststop changing her diaper as other women walked into the restroom. A few commented on how she looked like a gerber baby. I smiled and said thanks. As I looked at pictures of her as a baby and of today I was speechless. I know she looks like me. I know she has changed in the last 2 years and I am amazed at her. She has grown up and is a beautiful person inside and out. She knows when she has done something wrong and she feels bad about it. I see her growing in ways I don't remember growing when I was her age. She thinks like her dad. He thinks things out and I don't. I am a give me now, he is a save and wait. I am happy she thinks things out. I think it will save her feelings in the long run. I LOVE HER> More about her, I AM SO PROUD OF SARAH!!!! She made ho

Been a long time

Well I am sure most of you think we feel off the planet but we didn't. We are still alive and kickin'. I have to say Christmas was nice. Santa came and the kids got what they wanted. (well for the most part). Sarah got her laptop. Yup, she now has something attached to her hip and is on it whenever I say yes. Noah got his Rip Stix, he is now going to give me a heart attack if I watch him try to ride it. Becca got her Ipod in her favorite color, purple. And Ryan got a TON of gummy worms. The best part of Christmas is that we spent time together. Although Ryan was at his mom's we did talk to him and he was very happy. The rest of us played games, went to visit Great Grandma and Grandma. We saw Aunt Denise and Uncle Chris. It was a great day. Over the break, (which was WAYYYYYY TO LONG) the kids played the wii, played a few new games they got for christmas and spent time together. It was nice to just be a family. Wow can you believe how old the kids look? I am way to young to